Register for the Brain Boost Class:
Brain Boost
Starting April 20, 2023
Dr Neil Nedley's Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program
Depression – the very word brings a feeling of doom and gloom, and well it should. This mental health disease affects roughly one in ten Americans and many more family members and friends. Women are more likely to be depressed than men, and roughly 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. For years, the focus on treatment has been to manage symptoms. However, the way to combat any disease process is to uncover and change the cause.
That is exactly what Dr. Neil Nedley has done in his research and teaching. After thorough study, he has identified 10 “hit” categories that may lead to depression if a person experiences three or more “hits” simultaneously. But he goes beyond defining the problem. Eight of the ten hits can be controlled by personal lifestyle choices. In his medical practice and local venues, Dr. Nedley began “curing” depression with lifestyle therapy rather than medication. As calls for help from a distance started coming, it quickly became evident that he could not physically be everywhere that people wanted him to lecture. This led to the writing of Depression: The Way Out and the development of a lecture series, the
Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program™.” (p.4)
The course will cover topics like “How to Improve Your Brain”, “How Thinking Can Defeat Depression or Anxiety”, “Overcoming Loss”, “Nutrition For The Brain”, and “Making and Staying with Positive Lifestyle Choices”.
This course is educational in nature and is not designed to be therapeutic. It is not a substitute for physicians, professional counselors or mental health providers.
Class Information​
The class will be held on zoom. The link will be sent the day of the class.
Each class will consist of a pre-recorded lecture by Dr Nedley and a group discussion. Both will be available to watch online if you miss a week.
The class is offered for $25 to the community and free for returning students or current clients. Dr Nedley's workbook is available for $50.
Blog Information
I will post supporting information on the public blog that you can access at any time.
What Others Have Said About the Class
"I loved the presentations and thoroughness of Dr Nedley. I enjoyed the after and pre discussions and the insight of Allison, her mother and countless others. The forum of discussion was not only insightful but felt safe and supportive."​
"I loved Dr. Nedley's lectures--every one! The one I was least interested, "Loss" was actually my favorite after listening. Everyone on the planet with a desire could benefit from these lectures."